• Finding critical minerals and associated critical metals such as copper, zinc, nickel, and steel, which underpin our decarbonised future, requires a fast and innovative response
• Accessing vast amounts of data and making geological sense of it all to accelerate discovery is now accepted as a massive lever to success
• The Geological Survey SA has been and continues investing heavily in providing geological data via digital platforms to support the whole ecosystem, juniors, mid-stream, and majors alike.
• Current geoscience focussed projects such as South Australian Discovery Mapping, Gawler Phase 2 Project, and Critical Minerals SA Project are all underpinned by a robust digital delivery strategy to provide these pre-competitive data sets to our mineral explorations via the South Australian Resource Information Gateway
• Current and future projects focus on ingesting all of our existing publicly available data into the cloud
• And even more importantly, “filling the gaps,” which will mean systematically digitising remaining core and retrieving data from the industry to provide a complete data set for the state and securing this highly valuable asset in perpetuity
• Delivering geoscience products to the industry to accelerate discovery