Full Name
Cristina Pardo de Vera
Job Title
ACADES Vicepresident and CEO of RyQ Concesiones
RyQ Concesiones
Speaker Bio
Economista y Máster en Dirección de Infraestructuras y Servicios. Con casi 20 años de experiencia en estructuración y dirección de equipos de grandes proyectos de infraestructura -aeropuertos, autopistas, trasvase, desalación, impulsión de agua, puertos y obras civiles e industriales en general-, y alta especialización en Asociaciones Público Privadas y esquemas Project Finance para promotores públicos y privados: fondos de inversión, empresas concesionarias, instituciones multilaterales, banca, empresas constructoras y organismos gubernamentales.
Economist and Master's in Infrastructure and Services Management. With nearly 20 years of experience in structuring and leading teams for major infrastructure projects – airports, highways, water transfers, desalination, water pumping, ports, and civil and industrial works in general – and a high level of expertise in Public-Private Partnerships and Project Finance schemes for public and private promoters: investment funds, concessionaire companies, multilateral institutions, banks, construction companies, and government agencies.
Economist and Master's in Infrastructure and Services Management. With nearly 20 years of experience in structuring and leading teams for major infrastructure projects – airports, highways, water transfers, desalination, water pumping, ports, and civil and industrial works in general – and a high level of expertise in Public-Private Partnerships and Project Finance schemes for public and private promoters: investment funds, concessionaire companies, multilateral institutions, banks, construction companies, and government agencies.
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